So...I've been encouraged by a few people to start writing, so here's my first attempt at this whole idea.
I've been listening to this A-mazing prayer cd and basically, here's my response...
Daddy God, thank You! I have SO much affection for You as I embrace ALL of You! I want EVERYONE to see my love for You because You are the ONLY one worthy of ALL my love!
God, I can't wait until EVERY knee bows and EVERY tongue confesses WHO You ARE! I ache to give You ALL of me and ALL of my love as I engage in the process. You are SO worthy of me and ALL of me!
Father, when I don't love You completely, I am incomplete. I admire You for WHO You are and NOT what You do. I want to love You rightly in Your loving kindness. You consume ALL of me. You are my reason for loving and You are my reason for living. Holy, holy, holy are You, God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come. You ARE worthy!
As I grow in my knowledge of You, I just want more. I fix my gaze upon You and want nothing this world has to offer. I look behind the veil dimly and I seek You in secret. I sell ALL that I am to obtain this secret treasure of knowing You. I want to understand You and Your tender flowing heart. I want to grow in understanding Your thoughts, Your feelings, and Your ways. You are MY longing and I just want MORE of WHO You are, Lord and Daddy God. You aren't distant and as in John 5:20, I marvel after You. The enemy ATTEMPTS to defame You, but he fails EVERY time.
As the Shulamite woman said in Song of Solomon 5, I'm going to tell You who He is. He's altogether lovely. His eyes are tender and nurturing. His cheeks are like ivory, His heart is vibrant living and flowing. His touch is tender. His legs are strong and sturdy.This is WHO You are, Father, this IS who You are. I come to seek the knowledge of You, God.
I want Your perspective on everyday life, NO ONE else's. I want Your perspective, the new view, the best view. I want to see the earth in the way that You see it; politically, socially, economically. I want Your perfect perspective. Psalm 34:3 says that we will magnify You and I agree. I want to magnify You in EVERY area of my life, EVERY area. Your prophetic ways cause me to fall at Your feet in worship. I submit my ways to Your ways and my thoughts to Your thoughts, Daddy God.
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